Monday, December 22, 2008

Last Post for Today!

Merry Christmas!

(I am pretty sure from the look on Aidan's face that he still sees Abby primarily as a Sesame Street character. We'll work on that.)

Snow Alien!

We got a few more inches of snow last night. Matt, Ethan, Aidan and I decided to brave the powder and make a snowman!

Everyone pitched in. Ethan broke through the layer of ice in the middle of the snow accumulation, Matt and I rolled the snowballs and Aidan helped pack the snowballs. Making a snowman in powder is much more difficult than in our normal wet, easily compacted snow. But we did it!
Presesnting the very first Budelman Snow Alien!

A Toddler First!

Aidan found my lotion. I have to say I expected something like this to happen a long time before now! This is what happens when I go to the bathroom!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Let It Snow!

In the last three days we have gotten almost seven inches of snow! The roads out here were bad enough that Matt had to work from home (or got to work from home). We bundled Aidan up and took him outside to play. He wasn't too interested in the snow at first- until he learned he could throw it!
I showed Aidan how to make a snow angel. Pretty much the only thing he took from the demonstration was that covering Mom and Dad with snow is a lot of fun! Watch the video:

I have to say the family member who was most excited about the snow was Charlie. He is allowed to go off-leash anywhere he wants because there are no cars. He runs everywhere through the snow, stopping (or sliding) whenever he wants to get a mouthful and then charging off again. We have to rush to get out of his way. Our dog doesn't exactly have a reputation of being stealthy, but the snow muffles most of his crashing.

Well, we are off to play in the snow again! I hope the rest of you are enjoying it as much as we are!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

So....We're blogging.

I've always thought of blogging as a bit egocentric: "Here you go, everybody. Be interested in the details of my life." However, my little sister (my own personal reality check) thinks I am being selfish by not blogging. I take that as a challenge. So here I am not being selfish by taking time out of my exceptionally busy day of entertaining a sick toddler to tell anyone who is reading that I am not being selfish. I guess we do have a bunch to talk about: exercising, adoption progress, Matt's work at church, and the sick toddler.

That is right...a sick toddler. Aidan has Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Yuck. The poor guy has blisters on his tongue, feet and bum- the latter causing me to question the thouroughness of the virus' name. He isn't sleeping or eating anything other than scrambled eggs, grapes and Rice ice cream. It has been rough, but he's pulling thorough. His trains have been a favorite, but I have to say that Elmo has saved the day more than once. Now I am fully convinced that Elmo is an evil ploy to brainwash our children. We're quarantined in the house until his symptoms have been gone for two days. The good news is that the time home has allowed me to catch up on laundry. Whoo-hoo. More later!